
TenDoc has more then 40 years of professional experience at the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. The director worked for 25 years at Schiphol International Airport Amsterdam.
In 1982 he started his carrier at the border at Schiphol Airport. From 1992 to 1996 he was employed as teamleader on the Schiphol Forgery Desk. 


He then worked for nearly ten years as teacher AliensLaw at the Training Centre of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.
 In these ten years he has followed the pedagogical and didactic master at the Arnhem/Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences. He completed this master successfully.

Since 2004 he worked as a senior document expert/trainer, in the function Head of the Training Department of the Expertise Center Identity fraud and Documents (ECID). Because of his document technical and didactical expertise , he has worked as a document technical and didactic coach during major International Integrated Border Management (IBM) projects.

Activities in Document Security and Didactics

“Several activities e.g. trainings, workshops, training of trainers (ToT) presentations during International Conferences etc were implemented for law enforcement agencies from Afghanistan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moldova, Myanmar, Serbia, South Africa and several EU member states.

Different trainings for public sector (e.g. municipality, postal services) are delivered in the Netherlands and other EU member states.

IBM training project for ICMPD in the 5 silk route countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Iraq
TOT project for Municipal employees in the Netherlands under the supervision of NVVB
Basic document training for the "Deutsche Post" in cooperations with Keesing
ICMPD Mieux in Bhutan, ICMPD in Armenia, CIVIPOl/MYPOL in Myanmar
Training projects in Moldova and Libya for EUBAM.
Document training and presentations for Frontex.
Document training and presentations for CEPOL in Rome and Budapest
A project for UNODC in South Africa
A project for the UN in Bangla Desh



Presentation for ENFAST in Budapest
for Intergraf in Bordeaux, Vienna and Copenhagen  
for ICAO in Montreal
for Identity week/SDW in London, Singapore and Washington



  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)    
  • ICMPD-Mieux
  • ICMPD Armenia, Lebanon, Eastern Partnership countries, Silk Route Countries.
  • Frontex
  • Keesing technologies
  • OVD Kinegram (Zug Switzerland) 
  • EUBAM (Libya and Moldova)
  • United Nations (UNODC)
  • CEPOL (Rome and Budapest)
  • CIVIPOL / MYPOL (Myanmar)
  • ICAO (Montreal)
  • ENFAST (Budapest)
  • JustID team of Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands
  • SDW / Identity week / ConnectID (London, Singapore and Washington)
  • Intergraf (Bordeaux, Vienna and Copenhagen)
  • IAI, Industrial systems BV (Veldhoven, Netherlands)
  • HID Global (Austin, Texas, US)
  • Tag (Aarau, Switzerland)

In the Netherlands, but also outside of it, for example in Bulgaria, André has been collaborated extensively with the Team Identity Fraud (T.I.F.) of the municipality of Amsterdam in general and with Joop Hollegie in particular. Joop was a member of the Aliens Police and is the author of the book ‘Basic knowledge document recognition’. This book has been published in Dutch, but has now been translated into English and Bulgarian. "The book is available within the Netherlands via SDU email: (Britt Langkruis) +31(0)70 3789880 and outside the Netherlands via this website by completing a contact form or by email: +31(0)622289183

Andre ten Caat

Joop Hollegie


TenDoc has more then 40 years of professional experience at the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee

TenDoc has more then 25 years of experience at Schiphol International Airport Amsterdam

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