Activities 2020

7-8 December 2020,

TenDoc together with ICMPD and French experts delivered an online Training on document check, profiling and exit control to representatives from the Patrol Police, Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, serving at the Georgian airports. The event was organised under the “Sustaining Migration Management in Georgia” (ENIGMMA 2) project, which is funded by the EU-Georgia Financing Agreement and broadly builds on the results of previous activities of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Georgia, including the recently implemented EU-funded “Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management” (ENIGMMA) project which supported the Government of Georgia in the implementation of migration-related areas of the Visa dialogue between the European Union and Georgia.   This interactive online event provided platform for exchange of information on document security and profiling between Georgian and EU experts and in particular aimed in strengthening capacities of Georgian officials in pre-departure check of Georgian citizens leaving to EU based on the current changes at the national regulatory framework.


November 30- December 3, 2020 and December 14- December 17, 2020

Border officials from Kabul received these two weeks a training on first line document security. This time, the event was organised again in blended format and was delivered by experts from the TenDoc (André) and ICMPD (Monika from Vienna and Samim from Kabul, who particularly supported the practical exercises on the spot throughout the entire training).

The aim of this interactive training was to enhance operational capacities of border management agencies in Afghanistan, as part of ICMPD’s support to the country to improve capacity to effectively and efficiently manage national borders under the European Union funded Integrated Border Management in the Silk Routes project (IBM Silk Routes).


November 23/24, 2020

The TenDoc was invited to deliver speech under the 3rd International Border Management Conference organised by ICMPD on 23-24 November 2020. The conference was a continuation of the previous years' events in Yerevan in 2019 and Beirut in 2018, however, it looked and functioned quite differently from years past. Due  to the COVID-19 pandemic limitations, the conference was moved to an online format. The conference was opened by the keynote speeches delivered by high level management of ICMPD, EC DG NEAR, FRONTEX and Lebanese Armed Forces.
Following the introduction part, the two days were split into two thematic roundtables, inviting topic experts to share their experiences and knowledge in the changing topic of everyday border management. The entire event was chaired by Head of Border Management and Security (BMS) Programme Mr Borut Eržen and the roundtables were moderated by the two Senior BMS Advisors Mr Jean-Yves Charriou and  Ms Monika Weber. The first roundtable looked at border management responses for the era of tomorrow from the perspective of highly-ranked officials and experts with backgrounds in customs, border guard, military, police, economic and security authorities from across the world. The second roundtable followed with a more technical, forward-looking insight into the concept of morphing, regarding challenges and opportunities in biometrics, new modalities and new approaches. This roundtable offered different views on document security, counterterrorism, implications for migration patterns as well as academic and security-sector views on all that encompasses morphing.  TenDoc delivered presentation Time capsule to the future; biometrics and morphing which was followed by questions from the audience which consists of 276 participants from 52 countries from all over the world. 




November 17, 2020

TenDoc  was invited by IAI Industrial Systems B.V., Veldhoven, the Netherlands to be Guest Speaker during SDW’s Identity week Roundtable “ID documents without compromises”


October 12-15, 2020

The third online training on document security was delivered by TenDoc to the front line officers of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, this time from Lahor. Funded by the European Union, the training was organised to strengthen the capacity of the participating officers to detect forged documents, profile individuals and take a decision during the first line document check for further investigation. Nothing can replace face to face lecturing, however under current circumstances of restricted travels, the online trainings proved to be effective solution for capacity building activities. Also this time, the training was organised in the interactive format and contained several exercises which all participants evaluated very positively. The professional support by ICMPD project implementation team from Austria and Pakistan supported the training on the spot and also remotely.



September 28- October 01, 2020

"The second online training on document security for Pakistani border officers last week in the framework of the EU-funded and ICMPD implemented project ‘IBM in the Silk Routes Countries’ proved to be again very successful. The training was delivered to front line officials from the Peshawar airport in Pakistan by international experts which as such evidently focused on the improvement of the international cooperation and information exchange. The expert from TenDoc delivered the lectures from Zwolle, the Netherlands. Monika, the expert from the Czech Republic was responsible for the ‘Profiling and identification’ part and delivered her sessions from Vienna, Austria. Both experts were professionally assisted and well guided from ICMPD Headquarters in Vienna, namely by Juliana who is originally from Brazil and Monika from Lithuania. The interpreters, from English to Urdu, provided simultaneous interpretation of the entire event from London, UK. The trainees and ICMPD project implementation team were following the training from a meeting room at Peshawar airport.

September 14-17, 2020

Imposed by the current sanitary situation and thereto related travelling and gathering restrictions, this online arrangement gave us an opportunity for a larger variety of participation of involved personnel from different parts of the world. This is another good example of great 
International support and cooperation!

“Innovate methods of learning and teaching, during the online training for Border Guard Officers of Pakistan. Cooperation between ICMPD and TenDoc”.

In response to the COVID-19 situation, in the last months TenDoc has organised just remoted activities. In light of further travel restrictions, we have to continue our online-only events.

August 26, 2020

TenDoc gave an online presentation for the Corps Consular Netherlands (CCN), during the newly introduced Coffee & Conversation online meeting, organised by this Corps.


August 20, 2020

TenDoc, under the auspices of Keesing Technologies, provided a document training for DHL employees in Szczecin, Poland.


August 10-14, 2020

After short summer break, TenDoc is again activity cooperating 

with ICMPD, this time on IBM project in Ukraine. As of next week, TenDoc will deliver trainings on 1st and 2nd line of document check to the border officials of Pakistan in the framework of IBM Silk Routes project.