Activities 2022

Baghdad, Iraq, on 5 - 8 December 2022

From 5 - 8 December, TenDoc, together with six Master Trainers, trained by TenDoc, provided two Doc.Sec. Courses Basic Level (DSCBL). These trainings, under auspices of ICMPD, were organized in the Babylon hotel in Baghdad.


Cairo, Egypt, on 22 - 24 November 2022

A Thematic Workshop on Innovative Law Enforcement Tools to Tackle Irregular Migration, hosted by Egypt and co-hosted by France. The workshop brought together over 60 participants and experts (TenDoc) from 19 countries and 12 different organizations and institutions, among which are EUROPOL, EUROJUST, ICMPD, INTERPOL, UNHCR, the Regional Operational Centre in Khartoum (ROCK) and UNODC. The aim of the workshop was to provide law enforcement professionals in Khartoum Process countries with practical, hands-on innovative tools to address irregular migration, trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants. The workshop featured a balanced mix of theoretical inputs and hands-on, practical exercises, as well as a study visit to the Anti Corruption Academy in Cairo.


Szczecin, Poland, on 14 - 18 November 2022

Five days awareness training in Szczecin Poland intended for new DHL employees for a first line (online) control in document security and profiling under the auspices of Keesing technologies, Amsterdam.



Sibiu, România, on 10 to 14 October 2022

Five days awareness training in the more than beautiful city of Sibiu, also called Hermannstadt.

A training intended for new DHL employees for a first line (online) control in document security and profiling under the auspices of Keesing technologies, Amsterdam.


Islamabad, Pakistan, on 12 - 16 September 2022

From 12 to 16 September, TenDoc, together with two FIA master trainers, trained by TenDoc, provided a Document Security Course Advanced Level (DSCAL). 

This training, under auspices of ICMPD, was organized at Islamabad International Airport and intended for second line officers.

During the training a demonstration was given regarding the operation of the DocumentChecker database, delivered as part of the IBM project by Keesing Technologies, Amsterdam.

As part of good cooperation, the French ILO gave a presentation on French travel documents during this training.




London, United Kingdom, 28 and 29 June 2022

On June 28 and 29 TenDoc visited the largest exhibition/congress worldwide in the field of Document Security “Identity Week”. André gave a triple presentation, together with his project manager Will Huddleston (ICMPD) and one of his students Salma Jan (FIA) about the successful Integrated Border Management (IBM) project in Pakistan. 

The good news is that Identity Week will be organized next year (13 and 14 June) in the RAI in Amsterdam. 




Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, on 1 and 2 June 2022

On 1 and 2 June the NVVB again organized its annual conference. Due to Covid it was unfortunately three years ago that this congress was organized for the last time. The congress was a great success. Both, the stage and the exhibition floor were perfectly filled. On the photo you see André visiting the booth of ‘NetherlandsWorldwide’, with Helen van der Sluijs. A new office of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Dutch people who are going to settle abroad. 




Islamabad, Pakistan: 0n 7th – 11th March 2022

One of the six fields covered within IBM is Human Resources and Training. Within this context, on 7-11th March 2022, ICMPD and TenDoc conducted a training workshop on Document Security Basic Level and an introduction to Integrated Border Management (IBM) and Leadership for Assistant Directors of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan. The Document Security training was delivered by two FIA Master trainers. The master trainers were supported by the International Senior Document Security Expert from TenDoc.

The European Union funded IBM Silk Routes project aims to support the countries of the Silk Routes region, including Pakistan, to improve their capacity to effectively and efficiently manage their national borders in line with EU and International good practice.

The Integrated Border Management (IBM) in the Silk Routse Countries project is funded by the EU and implemented by ICMPD. The Border Security trainings are delivered by TenDoc.

Next activity will be a visit to Identity Week in London, with a Pakistani delegation. 



Bucharest, Romania: on the 14th - 18th February 2022

Keesing Technologies and TenDoc delivered In-depth training program in the field of documents examination regarding the fight against fraud and other financial crimes for forensic specialists from Romania, Hungary and the Republic of Moldova.
